One of my favorite tips to share with my clients is to start their day with a breakfast low in carbs.

Starting your day with a breakfast full of carbs sets you off on the blood sugar rollercoaster which is a wild ride better left to the amusement parks! If midmorning has you reaching for a snack because you’re fading fast or your brain feels foggy, that’s likely the carbs. Hangry, ya, that’s the carbs too!

Carbs tend to keep us hungry, while fat and protein keep us full and satiated. So starting your day with more fat and protein, and fewer carbohydrates will keep you clear-headed, feeling satisfied, and ready for the day!

That is why I created the “Start Smart Low-Carb Breakfast Recipe” book. When I recommend eating fewer carbs for breakfast to my clients the first thing I get asked is, “what can I have besides bacon and eggs”? Well, here ya go, a book full of options!

Just an FYI, I talk about the keto diet a lot, but this recipe book is not keto! While the recipes are lower carb, they are not as low as those someone eating a keto diet would likely prefer.