Mindset: The Missing Link?


As nutritionist I don’t spend much time writing about mindset, but it is a subject I think about A LOT!!! I’ve actually committed to myself that I will start writing and talking about it more, because it is such a big piece of the puzzle when it comes to health. If our mindset is off, it is very difficult to get truly healthy, remain healthy, and live the life we desire and deserve.

Are you wondering what I’m even talking about when I say the word mindset (it is a pretty buzzy word these days)? When I talk about mindset I am talking about what your inner voice is saying to you and in turn what its bringing about in your life. This dialogue can be in regards to your career, your financial situation, your relationships, the health of your body. Really, it can be any desire you have, or on the flip side, what you don’t want. Is your inner voice kind, reassuring, encouraging, telling you anything is possible? Do you look in the mirror and think, “dang girl, you lookin’ good”!!!!

Or do you have an inner mean girl?Is she she telling you you’re a failure, you’re unlikable, you’ll never get out of debt, you’ll never have a healthy fun relationship, you’re not smart enough, thin enough, pretty enough? Maybe she is telling you to be afraid, after all, this world can be a terrifying place. Maybe she’s setting the expectation that the worst possible outcome is the likely one. UGH! That jerk really needs to keep her mouth shut!

Our mind is an incredibly powerful thing and will bring about whatever it is we focus on. I’ve been doing a great deal of mindset work lately as my inner voice tends to be on the negative side. This morning I was journaling, and I realized that there was a time that I thought my “disease”, my depression, was incurable. I believed I would never get better and that I would be on medication the rest of my life. I believed this with every ounce of my being, and it was reinforced by doctor after doctor telling me there was no cure.

A couple years ago though, I had a moment of clarity. It was at my rock bottom, and in a moment of pure desperation, I decided to take a chance, and consider a different story, to take some control and do something different than I’d ever done before. (I wrote an entire blog post about that journey you can read here if you’d like.) And guess what, I am no longer depressed! I had just one moment of believing a different story, of thinking outside the box and imagining a completely different reality. And I now have a brand-new life. And every single day, I tell myself this new story, and therefore I get to live a different life! I feel bold, I feel powerful, and I now know I have a calling and passion for my life.

This was powerful stuff for me. I had felt like a victim of circumstance my entire life. My insomnia, depression, and anxiety started early in life, and appeared out of nowhere. With it came brain fog, memory issues, and a lack of motivation and focus. This left me feeling “dumb”. I did not think I was smart enough for university, so I didn’t go. I had no passions, I had very little drive. Just getting by was all I could manage most of the time.

I also believed I was not likable, let alone lovable. I spent way too long in bad relationships, with men that treated me badly. They lied, they cheated, they disappeared. And yet I stayed. I dated the same guy repeatedly thinking that was all I was worth. And then finally, I couldn’t do that anymore, so I decided being in a relationship wasn’t for me. I couldn’t stand to be mistreated, but I did not believe I would ever attract anything better.

I had a second realization while journaling this morning, I must have really been in the zone, I realized I was telling myself some negative things about my business, and I was believing them. And because that is what I’ve been believing, that is what I’ve experiencing. So, I’ve made the decision to tell myself a different story, to create a new and better reality for myself. I instantly felt lighter and more hopeful. I know it’s going to take time and hard work, but I’m up for it! Hey, I’m pretty amazing if I can “cure” myself from an “incurable” disease, right?!?!

Now, I am not a mindset guru. This is a new journey for me, so I’m not going to profess I have all the answers. But I am happy to share what I do know and what I’m learning. So here goes!


I have created a morning routine that feels good and sets my days up for success, focus, and clarity. The first thing I do when I wake up is to pick a guided meditation. My go-to app right now is called “Insight Timer”. I pick something that I feel drawn to and don’t overthink it. I seem to mostly be drawn to meditations focused on gratitude and abundance. They’re typically anywhere from 10-20 minutes. I then pull out my journal and write down my intention for the day and my path for moving in that direction. Sometimes I write a short paragraph, and other days it just seems to pour out of me, and I write a full page or even two. Because I’m also a seeker and a continual student, I then open a book to further my understanding. Right now, I’m reading “The Universe Has Your Back” by Gabrielle Bernstein. It’s really resonating with me and feels like what I need to hear right now. I especially love it because she gives me simple steps I can incorporate into my day to create my new story I want to live!

Morning feels best for me to do these practices because it feels like it sets my day up for calm and focus. I love doing my reading outside on my front porch with my dog by my side and a hot cup of tea in my hand. Not only does this help wake me up, but I get that important sunshine in my eyes and on my skin that helps improve my circadian rhythm and gives me a healthy dose of Vitamin D. Feels like a win-win!

So right now, that is my mindfulness practice and what is feeling good. I’d be lying if I said I did this every single day. I am working towards that, but I’m very much a work in progress so I cut myself some slack and do my best. I will tell you though, the days I follow this routine are my best days. I know that as time goes on, my needs will change, and my routine will adjust to meet them.

I would love to challenge you to find a mindset routine that works for you. That feels good and feeds your soul. I’m a big advocate of self-care in general, and this feels like it falls into that category very nicely.

Here are a few simple things you can try to create a mindset practice:

  • Create a meditation practice. Just 5 minutes a day can have a huge impact on your mind, your mood, and your overall outlook on life. There are so many apps available now, try a few and find one that you love!

  • Try keeping a journal. There is so much power in pen to paper! Take a few minutes at the beginning or the end of your day to just “dump”. It doesn’t need to be profound. It doesn’t need to even be coherent. Just write whatever is on your mind. This can be particularly helpful if you have trouble sleeping. All those thoughts that keep you awake at night, get them down on paper and then get to bed! This can stop the spinning that happens when we lay down to relax.

  • Write down your intention every day. If we are going about our day willy-nilly who knows what we will or won’t accomplish or what might happen! Now, this is not a goal, an intention is different! An intention is what you imagine (or intend) to feel or experience that day. It can simply be to see love instead of anger with a difficult co-worker, or be creative in a way that feels good and freeing, or what about simply to feel joy or peace for the day. I like an intention because there are no expectations. If we’re not careful, we can set ourselves up for disappointment or failure with the wrong goal. But with an intention, we’re being gentle and simply allowing our mind to imagine what our day or a situation could be.

  • Find a book on a subject that resonates with you and commit to reading it every day. Keep a highlighter next to you so you can mark favorite quotes or sections. If you run across something that really gets your brain going, write it on a sticky note and keep it some where you’ll see it often.

  • Spend time in nature. You don’t have to make a big excursion out of this, just a local park will do if that’s what you’ve got access to. Just get outside and enjoy nature. Better yet, if you can, take off your shoes and socks and get your feet in the grass!

  • Move your body. This can be anything that feels good to you. Take a walk, go for a run, take a yoga class. It doesn’t matter, just move!

  • And lastly, quiet the noise! Turn off Netflix, your podcast, or music, or audio book. Just turn it all off!! When we are constantly crowding out what’s going on inside our head, we are missing the opportunity to see what’s happening inside our mind and learn from it, and possibly change the narration for the better. We also miss the chance to just simply enjoy what’s happening in the world around us. This might feel incredibly awkward at first, but go for a walk and leave your phone at home. Take the opportunity to enjoy the sounds of nature all around you, to look at the beauty of your surroundings, and enjoy breathing in some fresh air!

I’d love to hear about your mindset practice! What works for you and moves you towards your best self, or what books have you read that deepened your understanding of this important work? Message me on Instagram at @amindonnutrition. I read every message and would love to learn from you!


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